International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology

ISSN 2326-7275

International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology ISSN: 2326-7275 Vol. 2 (4), pp. 023-026, June, 2013. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Patterns of talar articular facets on calcaneum and its clinical implication

1Shweta J. Patel, 2Rashvaita K.  Patel, 3Krunal R. Chauhan, 4Meenakshi Bansal

1Tutor, Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Surat  India.

2Assistant professor, Department of  Anatomy, Government Medical College, Surat India.

32nd yr Resident, Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Surat  India.

4Associate professor, Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Surat  India.

Corresponding author. Email:

Accepted 29 April, 2013


Calcanei with certain talar facet patterns predispose to subtalar arthritis. Knowledge about variations in the talar facets of the calcanei is essential for orthopedic surgeons while correcting foot deformities like pes planus. This study was undertaken after finding a scarcity of such data in the Gujarat population. The objective was to identify the patterns of the talar facets of calcanei and their clinical implications. Calcanei (n=205) from the Gujarat was utilized. Only four patterns were described as follows: Pattern (I): Fusion of the middle and the anterior facets, Pattern (2): The middle and the anterior facets separate, Pattern (3): Absent anterior facet, Pattern (4): Fusion of all the three facets. And surface area was also measured. Pattern (I) was predominant (65.82%), followed by Pattern (2) in (33.33%) of cases. In the Pattern (2), the subtype b with (3-5) mm separation was the commonest. Pattern (3) found in 4.39% cases. Rare cases of pattern (4) was found in (1.39%) of cases. There is a dominance of pattern (I) calcanei in Indians as compared to the Europeans whose present pattern (2) are common. This fact necessitates the orthopedic surgeons in India to modify the surgical techniques when they perform calcaneal osteotomy. Indians may be at a greater risk of developing subtalar arthritis due to the dominance of Pattern (1) calcanei according to different studies performed. In our study we measured surface area of facets which shows more available surface area for articulation in pattern (I) which provides better stability. So chances of subtalar arthritis are less. We have to correlate it with clinical data.  

Key words: Calcaneum, facets for the talus, pattern, variation, arthritis.