African Journal of DNA and Cell Biology

African Journal of DNA and Cell Biology Vol.  2 (3) pp. 118-120, March, 2015. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

A basic and fast lysis system for arrangement of genomic DNA from Gram-negative microscopic organisms

*Amine Buttatu, Rueven E. Benatia and Medhi I. Azabal

Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences , Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco.


Accepted 27 February, 2014


A very efficient, simple and economic lysis method for rapid preparation of genomic DNA from Gram-negative bacteria was developed. This method includes a novel step lysis by treatment with carvacrol followed by simple ethanol precipitation. The procedure was realised without using of detergents or enzymes. Moreover, the resultant genomic DNA was in good quantity and quality and can be used successfully for restriction endonucleases digestion, PCR amplification and others types of molecular biology manipulations. 

Key words: Genomic DNA, lysis, carvacrol, Gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli, Erwinia chrysanthemi.