African Journal of Geography and Regional Planning

ISSN 2736-1586

African Journal of Geography and Regional Planning ISSN 2736-1586 Vol. 8 (3), pp. 001-013, March, 2021. © International Scholars Journals


Is the wind of change blowing? A Study of Socio-cultural Context of Access to a Place to Sell in Zaria, Nigeria

Mohammed–Bello Yunusa

Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Ahmadu Bello University, Samaru – Zaria, Nigeria. E-mail:

Accepted 09 December, 2020


This paper examines the relationship between urban governance structures, traders and their organisation in accessing a place to sell as well as the traders’ role in market management and provisioning. The report further analysed female economic activities and space. The female economic activities basically remain within the household compound spaces in keeping with restricted contact between men and women as dictated by Islamic and cultural codes of conduct that defines public and private space for males and females in a predominantly Hausa Fulani Islamic communities. The report notes that the intensifying female economic activities in household spaces are linked to the market space without demanding for a place.

Key words: Governance, gender, market, reform, urban management, access, redevelopment.