African Journal of Immunology Research

ISSN 2756-3375

African Journal of Immunology Research Vol.  2 (2) pp. 091-096, February, 2015.  © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Data Exchange of internet resources on immunological interest

*Atal E. Mittal, Shyamal V. Raj and Jagjivan R. Kumar

Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India.


Accepted 17 January, 2015


Human genome project produce vast quantities of data with new sequences being added to Deoxy ribonucleic acid (DNA) databases on an average of once a minute. It is expected that over 1,000 genome will be sequenced within the next 5 to 10 years. Internet access has turned into an important part of any biological study. The extensive range of information available on the internet can save individual researcher time and energy. Detailed genomic map, abstracts, research paper and many large public databases are reachable in real time through internet. Internet is a highly useful information source as well as electronic highway to accomplish up to date knowledge in the field of research. Although multitude of data is available, research community may face insurmountable obstacle while searching information about his research work. This article is platform to assist the immunologist or biologist to get information at glance.

Key words: Databases, Internet, Immunology, web resources, data mining.