African Journal of Agriculture

ISSN 2375-1134

African Journal of Agriculture ISSN 2375-1134 Vol. 11 (7), pp. 001-004, July, 2024. Available online at © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Refining DNA Isolation Methods for ISSR Research in Tectona grandis L.f.: Implications for Forest Genetics

C. Narayanan*, Swapnil Dubey, Syed Arif Wali, Nidhi Shukla, Randhir Kumar, A.K. Mandal and S.A. Ansari

Genetics and Plant Propagation Division, Tropical Forest Research Institute, P.O.-R.F.R.C., Mandla Road, Jabalpur – 482 021, India.

Accepted 5 May, 2024


Four extraction methods and sample types were evaluated for yield, quality and suitability of genomic DNA for ISSR marker amplification in teak (Tectona grandis). Both CTAB and SDS based extraction procedures extracted better quantity and purity index of genomic DNA. Leaves of trees, bud grafts and seedlings yielded better DNA than seeds. Using identical PCR conditions, DNA extraction methods and sample types influenced amplifications of ISSR markers, with no amplifications among seed samples. DNA extraction method and sample type are very important consideration for reproducible ISSR-based molecular marker analysis in teak.

Key words: DNA extraction, ISSR, CTAB, SDS, teak.