African Journal of Philosophy and Religious Studies

ISSN 2756-3405

African Journal of Philosophy and Religious Studies ISSN 1621-4587 Vol. 2 (1), pp. 001-008, January, 2016. © International Scholars Journals


The factors militating against the education of girls: A case study in Kenya

Kasomo Daniel

Department of Philosophy Religion and Theology, Maseno University in Kenya. E-mail: Tel: +254 722770204.

Accepted 22 September, 2015


This research attempted to find out the factors militating against the education of girls in Lower Eastern Province, Kenya. The main purpose of the research was to establish the magnitude of the effects of the factors that are known to militate against the education of girls. The investigation employed both qualitative and quantitative methods of research. A Survey design was used in the research. The study employed open and closed ended questionnaires administered to all the participants. The results derived from the research were analysed using descriptive statistics. The open responses were subjected to content analysis. The significant results of this research have shown that girls have low educational and occupational aspirations and that the greatest hindrance to their educational advancement is alleged to be pregnancy, followed by peer pressure, lack of school fees, lack of parental guidance and counselling, drug addiction and intimate boys/girls relationships. The study recommends that there is need to carry out awareness campaigns to sensitise all stakeholders on the importance of education, especially of the girl child. It is important to create well-maintained single gender boarding schools. Girls should be targeted in terms of bursary and sponsorship.

Key words: Girl, factors, effects, education.