African Journal of Water Conservation and Sustainability

ISSN 2375-0936

African Journal of Water Conservation and Sustainability ISSN: 2375-0936 Vol. 5 (5), pp. 221-226, May, 2017. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Studies on regression analysis between electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids as environmental variables in lower river Benue, Makurdi, Nigeria

Akaahan TJA1* Olabanji, F. M.2 and Azua ET1

1Department of Biological Sciences University of Agriculture, P.M.B. 2373 Makuedi Benue state Nigeria.

2Department of Environmental Biotechnology, National Biotechnology Agency Abuja Nigeria.

*Corresponding author E-mail: Tel: +2348037737675

Accepted 21 May, 2017


This study investigated the relationship between electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids as environmental variables at five different Sites downstream in lower River Benue at Makurdi. The study sites were selected based on the human activities and land-water interface on the bank of the lower river Benue at Makurdi. Water Samples for the determination of conductivity and total dissolved solids were collected on monthly basis for a period of 24 months and were examined using standard methods for the two parameters. The results of the mean conductivity of the water samples at the sampling sites varied from 64.70±37.00- 139.60±215.10µS/cm while the mean concentration of total dissolved solids ranged from 28.30±11.70- 69.10±106.60mg/L. The R2 value of regression analysis varied from 0.3417- 0.7967, indicating a weak to strong relationship between conductivity and total dissolved solids across the sampling sites downstream in lower River Benue at Makurdi. There was no perfect direct linear relationship between conductivity and total dissolved solids in River Benue at the sampling sites. The study concludes that the relationship between conductivity and total dissolved solids is nonlinear but depends on the mobility of dissolved dominant ions in the water sample or solution.

Keywords: Conductivity, TDS, river Benue, regression.