International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

ISSN 2169-303X

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research ISSN 2169-303X Vol. 6 (5), pp. 346-354, May, 2017. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Antidiabetic activity guided screening and characterization of fagonia indica

1Majid Malik*, 1,2Abu Omer, 3Abdullah Sharif, 4Lais Fatemi, 1Jamali Anwar Rana and 1Rahman Iqbal

1Department of Chemistry, University of Agriculture Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan, 2Central Hi-Tech Laboratory, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, 38040, Pakistan, 3Department of Chemistry, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan, 4Department of Chemistry, Govt. College Women University, Faisalabad, 38040, Pakistan.

*Corresponding author E-mail:

Accepted 11 June, 2017


The present work was carried out to investigate the antidiabetic and antioxidant activities of Fagonia Indica through In-vitro assay.  Extraction was done by methanolic solvent while fractionation was performed by n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and aqueous solvent on the basis of their polarity. Antidiabetic activity was performed by inhibition of α-amylase enzyme while antioxidant activity by DPPH scavenging free radical assay. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents were also studied via spectrophotometric assay by Follen Ciocalteu and Aluminum chloride reagents respectively. Highest antidiabetic activity (59.52±0.75%) was shown by aqueous fraction while lowest by n-hexane solvent (31.55±0.84%). Aqueous fraction showed highest antioxidant activity (74.70±1.20%) while n-hexane fraction exhibited lowest activity (43.16±0.99 %).  Higher phenolic and flavonoids contents (81.2±1.2% and 67.4±2.23% respectively) were exhibited by aqueous fractions. Statistical analysis by one way ANOVA showed that all the activities performed significant results (p<0.05). Results of Antibacterial activity against gram positive and gram negative bacteria and cytotoxicity potential was also found significant. The major bioactive compounds such as trans 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy cinamic acid, chlorogenic acid, gallic acid, syringic acid, chromatotropic acid and vinillic acid were found in crude extract and various fractions by liquid chromatography.

Keywords: Fagonia indica, fractionations, antidiabetic activity, antioxidant activity, HPLC analysis.