African Journal of Philosophy and Religious Studies

ISSN 2756-3405

African Journal of Philosophy and Religious Studies ISSN 2756-3405 Vol. 9 (1), pp. 001-010, January, 2023. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

The role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Penteco/Charismatic believer

Moses Kumi Asamoah

Central University College, Department of Church Administration, Christian Education and Family Counselling, Box CT 3768, Cantonment. E-mail:

Accepted 21 November, 2022


The classical dispensationalist claims the Holy Spirit activity ceased with the apostolic age. This was the major perception of the church before the end of the 4th century, during the time of Augustine and Chrysostom. A major spokesman of this view was Hyppoclytus, a contemporary of Tertullian. Proponents for the Holy Spirit such as Michael Green, boldly declared, ‘‘It is simply not the case that healing, prophecy, exorcism and speaking in tongues died out with the last apostle’.The fact that the Holy Spirit remains active in contemporary dispensation is the truth which is firmly embedded in Scriptures and unmistakable teaching of Jesus Christ. Pentecostals contend that, subsequent to conversion, but can on some occasion simultaneously, there is endowment with power with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Holy Spirit gives utterance. This paper seeks to contribute to the interpretation of the role and function of the Holy Spirit in individuals’ Christian experience and in the corporate church. This is to help rethink the subordinate and neglected place of the Holy Spirit. Face – to-face in-depth interviews and focus group discussion were deployed for data collection. A total of 15 interviewees, 13 males (4 senior pastors) and two females (both senior pastors) were all interviewed. Thematic and interpretative analyses were used in data analysis. Findings includes the Holy Spirit baptizes believers, energizes believers for service, initiates holy living in believers, empowers believers for the great commission task and there are prerequisite for Holy Spirit baptism. It is recommended that the Holy Spirit must be given proper attention and recognition and believers must look up to Him for all things. Future studies must incorporate the historic mission churches and the Neo prophetic ministries.

Keywords: Holy Spirit, Pentecostals, Baptism.