International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics

ISSN 2756-3847

International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics ISSN 2756-3847 Vol. 10 (3), pp. 001-010, March, 2023. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Heterosis and combining ability among West African pearl millet improved and landrace varieties

Issaka Ahmadou1,2*, Ofori Kwadwo2, Gracen Edward Vernon2,3, Danquah Yirenkyi Eric2

1West African Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI), University of Ghana Legon, Accra, Ghana / Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique du Niger (INRAN), Niger

2West African Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI), University of Ghana Legon, Accra, Ghana (O.K), (D.Y.E)

3West African Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI), University of Ghana Legon – Accra, Ghana / Cornell University USA

Accepted 08 February, 2023


Heterosis and CA of sixteen hybrids developed from eight varieties belonging to two putative heterotic groups were studied. Entries were tested in two locations during two years in RCBD. Data on yield and productivity related traits were recorded. Eight hybrids outyielded the check which in turn performed better than the best parent. Hybrids were more stable than all of the parents. Parents HKB, Ankoutess, and Gamoji had the best GCA for grain yield. Gamoji x HKB, involving two parents with high and positive GCA, showed the highest SCA and the best mid-parent heterosis for grain yield. Ex-Borno, H80-10Gr, Moro, and HKP-GMS had negative GCA for grain yield, but the hybrids Ex-Borno x H80-10Gr and Moro x HKP-GMS showed high and positive SCA for this trait. Increased grain yield was found to be positively and highly correlated with peduncle girth while hybrids showed more phenotypic uniformity than their parents. Mean squares for GCA were significant for most traits underlining the importance of additive gene effects. The ratio GCA/SCA for grain yield was less than one indicating the prevalence of non-additive gene effects in the yield control. There was G x E interactions suggesting the necessity of further testing of the germplasm.

Keywords: Pearl millet, Hybrid, Heterosis, GCA, SCA, G x E.