African Journal of Agriculture and Food Security

ISSN 2375-1177

African Journal of Agriculture and Food Security Vol. 1 (3), pp. 060-067, September, 2013. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Analysis of maize production and supply for food security improvement in the Borgou region in Northeast of Benin

Afouda Jacob Yabi*, Silvère Dansinou Tovignan and Rassidatou Moustafa

Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Parakou, BP 123, Parakou, Benin Republic.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: or (00) 229 90025779 / 97320856.

Accepted 17 May, 2013


The analysis of maize production and supply in Borgou region was conducted using data collected from 186 producers of maize. The analysis was done by commonly using means comparison tests and a multiple regression model. It comes out from this analysis that only 20.44% of the production is self-consumed, against 79.56% supplied on the market. Also, when the maize cultivated areas increase by 1%, its supply raises by 0.15%. As well, the use of mineral fertilizer and plough and/or tractor induces an increase by 65.86% in the supplied quantity. In contrast, the difficulties of access to production factors have a negative impact on the maize supply and the producers who are men supply 35.4% of maize quantity less than the women. Thereby, it is important that agricultural policies focus on easing access to production factors to widen the cultivated areas for more maize quantity to be supplied.

Key words: Production, supply, maize, regression, Borgou.