International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

ISSN 2169-303X

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research ISSN 2169-303X Vol. 10 (3), pp. 001-006, March, 2021. © International Scholars Journals


The use of herbal extracts in the control of influenza

James B. Hudson

Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of British, Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. E-mail: Tel: 1-604-948-2131. Fax: 1-604-875-4351.

Accepted 15 November, 2020


Influenza A virus poses a continuing threat to the health of humans and farmed animals, and predictions of impending pandemics are commonplace. This review discusses the unique combination of genetic features that make this virus such a threat, and explains why current control measures are inadequate. However, in spite of this, certain herbal extracts rich in polyphenols could play an important role in controlling influenza virus outbreaks and alleviating symptoms of the disease. One of the attractions of herbal treatment is the broad spectrum of potential viral targets, since components of these herbs can interact with different viral proteins and are not constrained by viral strain differences and drug-resistant mutations; consequently any influenza virus is susceptible. In addition these extracts often have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant properties, all of which would be beneficial during influenza infection.

Key words: Influenza virus, avian ‘flu, swine ‘flu, antiviral, pandemic, cytokines, anti-inflammatory, herbal extracts, polyphenols.