International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

ISSN 2169-303X

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research ISSN: 2169-303X Vol. 1 (5), pp. 055-057, October, 2012. © International Scholars  Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Traditional phytotherapy of some medicinal plants used by Tharu and Buxa tribes of Uttarakhand used in skin diseases

Garima Pandey, Krishan Kumar Verma*, Sanjay Kumar and Munna Singh

Department of Botany, University of Lucknow, Lucknow - 226 007 (U.P.), India.

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Received 31 July, 2012; Accepted 03 October, 2012


This study aimed to identify and understand the utilization of medicinal plants for curing skin diseases used by Tharu and Buxa tribes of Uttarakhand. A field study was conducted in Tharu and Buksa rich Tarai belt (northern fringe of Indo-Gangetic Plains) in U. S. Nagar district of Uttarakhand (India) during different seasons. Tharu and Buksa tribes of the study area were found to use 37 plant species of 27 families for skin cure. Among the plant parts used, the highest number was observed for the use of leaves to cure skin disorders. The most common skin diseases treated using medicinal plants are cuts and wounds, maggots, dog/ insect bite, burns and sores, boils, blisters and abscesses, fungal infections, leucoderma, inflammation, pimples, itching, allergy and other skin disorders. A large numbers of plants are being used for other skin disorders followed by cuts and wounds and boils, blisters, abscesses. In the information obtained, there were many details about the appropriate indication of each plant. For example, some plants are indicated to increase other’s potency. There are also plants that are traditionally employed for specific symptoms or conditions that often accompany itching, allergy and other skin disorders. Thus researchers should observe ethnomedical information before deciding which kind of screening should be used in the search of drugs for skin diseases.

Key words: Ethnobotany, skin disorders, Tharu and Buksa tribes, traditional knowledge.