African Journal of Agribusiness Research

ISSN 2375-091X

African Journal of Tropical Agriculture ISSN 2375-091X Vol. 7 (12), pp. 001-011, December, 2019. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

A pilot survey on retail fish marketing in Juba, South Sudan: Perceptions on motivation and challenges

John K.B Alosias

Department of Fisheries, School of Natural Resources & Environmental Studies, University of Juba, P. O. Box 82, Juba, South Sudan. E-mail: Tel: +211925377037.

Accepted 05 November, 2019


Globally, fish marketing is an important income generating activity and a source of livelihood in many communities. In South Sudan, a newborn nation which attained its independence in 2011, no studies have been conducted in this area. This pilot study assessed retailers’ motivation towards fish marketing and the impact of some common major challenges affecting their growth. Using non-probability sampling method, 40 fish retailers in Konyokonyo and Custom markets in Juba were interviewed. Responses collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and theoretical thematic analysis. Almost all retail fish sellers rely on fish marketing as their only source of income and livelihood. In spite of this dependency, the impacts of some major challenges were noted. Chief among them were fish spoilage due to improper handling and high cost of transportation. Alternative solutions and the need for a more thorough investigation have been suggested.

Keywords: Fish marketing, retailers, motivation, challenges, Konyokonyo market, Custom market, Juba, South Sudan.