African Journal of Ecology and Ecosystems

ISSN 2756-3367

African Journal of Ecology and Ecosystems Vol.  2 (3) pp. 118-122, March, 2015. © International Scholars Journals


Standardizing ecological risks for 'open needs': Destruction of Forest for drinking water supply in Kerala, India

Mohammed Singh Fasiadab

Department of Ecology, Faculty of Life science, Andhra Pradesh Open University, Hyderabad, India.


Accepted 14 February, 2015


Natural resource exploitation is increasingly being considered as a technical issue with the assumption that it can be compensated for. The public concern shifts towards such destruction only when it affects the normal course of day to day life. Immediate needs often undermine the process of institutionalizing knowledge to ensure conservation of natural resources. The question of immediate needs often acts as the determining factor in decision making. This paper is focused on such an environmentally-legal issue in ensuring water availability through the destruction of rain forest. This paper discusses this issue in detail and raises the question of failure of institutionalizing knowledge.

Key words: Sustainability, institutionalizing disasters, beneficiary group, neo-liberalism.