International Journal of Law and Legal Studies

ISSN 2736-1608

International Journal of Law and Legal Studies Vol.  2 (2) pp. 125-134, February, 2015.  © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Legitimate viewpoints on worldwide models of corporate administrations

*Dimitrie Brave, Luca Nicolae and Gheorghe Geoana

Faculty of Law, Economics and Business Administration, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania.


Accepted 27 January, 2015


The present paper aims to provide an interpretation of leading corporate governance paradigms, through several case studies involving four developed economies (that is, the US, the UK, Canada and France) that have implemented either principle-based or rule-based corporate governance systems. A supplementary case study involving Romania, an emerging country, seeks to provide valuable insight into the inconsistencies of applying such a refined corporate governance system to an emerging market. From a methodological standpoint, preeminence is given to a comparative and critical approach. Finally, we ask the following question: which are the most appropriate ways to insure the crystallization of legal aspects concerning corporate governance, in the context of international diversity and, sometimes, divergence?

Key words: Corporate governance, comparative approach, international evidence, United Kingdom, European Union convergence, financial markets, agency theory.