African Journal of DNA and Cell Biology

African Journal of DNA and Cell Biology Vol.  2 (5) pp. 145-149, May, 2015. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Hereditary variety among Northern and Southern Egyptian wild oxen utilizing polymerase chain response arbitrary opened up polymorphic DNA (PCR-RAPD)

*Gamal Ismail, Mohammed I. Mahir and Mohammed Pasha

Department of Cell Biology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.


Accepted 03 April, 2015


The domestic water buffalo is a species of great economic potential, especially in developing countries like Egypt. Egyptian buffalo have been classified according to minor phenotypic differences and their geographical locations. Few studies have taken place to investigate the genetic variations in Egyptian buffalo using microsatellites analysis. In the present study, 11 random primers were analyzed for the genetic diversity determination between Northern and Southern Egyptian buffaloes using polymerase chain reaction-random amplified polymorphic DNA (PCR-RAPD) analysis. 169 bands were amplified for the analyzed 11 random primers, from which 160 bands (94.67%) for North populations and 168 bands for South population (99.41%). Out of the 160 amplified bands in North populations, 152 bands were polymorphic with a percentage of 89.94% and only one specific band (0.59%). In South population, all 168 amplified bands were polymorphic, nine bands (5.33%) were specific for this population. The identity index and the genetic distance between North and South populations were measured. The results showed that the two tested populations have the same origin and belong to one breed without significant genetic difference between their animals.

Key words: Buffalo, genetic diversity, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD).