African Journal of Water Conservation and Sustainability

ISSN 2375-0936

African Journal of Water Conservation and Sustainability ISSN: 2375-0936 Vol. 3 (2), pp. 134-137, February, 2015. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

The influence of water and sewage networks on residential water consumption

Falah A. Almottiri and Falah M. Wegian

Civil Engineering Department, College of Technological Studies (Kuwait) P.O. Box: 34 Ardia, 13136 Kuwait.

*Corresponding author E-mail: Tel: 00965 – 9073119. Fax: 00965 – 4817348.

Accepted 28 May, 2010


In this study a real case is used in order to evaluate the effect of the factors controlling the residential water demand in one of the suburb of the state of Kuwait. The study investigates the effect of having or not having water and sewage networks on the water demand. The importance of this study arises from the difference between the two studies residential areas in which one of them contains complete and modern water and sewage networks. The other area under investigation is adjacent to the first area but is lacking similar networks yet. These two residential areas have the same controlling factors for water demands, such as economical conditions, climatic conditions, standard of living, and social life. The method presented is based on a sensitivity analysis of the effect of networks availability on the per capita daily water demand. The analysis of data from both residential areas showed a greater water demands for area without networks, which is contradicting the expectations and experiences.

Key words: water demand, residential water, sewage, network.