International Journal of Horticulture and Floriculture

ISSN 2756-3790

International Journal of Horticulture and Floriculture ISSN 2167-0455 Vol. 5 (3), pp. 276-281, March, 2017. © International Scholars Journals


Pathway and genes for the biosynthesis and action of abscisic acid incarnation flowers

Yoshihiro Nomura1 and Shigeru Satoh1, 2*

1Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University, Kyoto 606-0852, Japan.

2Kyoto Prefectural Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seika-cho, Kyoto 619-0224, Japan.

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Accepted 04 September, 2014


The pathway and genes for the biosynthesis and action of abscisic acid (ABA) have been elucidated in great detail using major model plants and crops, such as Arabidopsis, maize, rice and tomato, tobacco and so on, as experimental materials. However, a few studies have been done with minor crops and ornamentals. ABA plays a causal role in the induction of ethylene biosynthesis in carnation flowers. In this review, therefore, it was aimed (1) to reconstitute the pathway for ABA biosynthesis and action in carnation with ABA-related genes, which were recently identified from its flower tissues, and (2) to cross-check the identities of the identified genes with genes deposited in a carnation data base (Carnation DB), which was recently released to the public. A total of eleven identified ABA-related genes were allocated in their right steps, reconstituting the pathway for ABA biosynthesis and action. Furthermore, the cross-check of the genes in the reconstituted pathway with those in the Carnation DB could specify the function of five genes, which had remained un-annotated in the Carnation DB. This review suggested that the pathway for ABA biosynthesis and action, the same as that in major model plants and crops, is functioning in carnation, and implied that this is the case in other minor crops and ornamentals.

Key words: ABA biosynthesis and action, ABA-related genes, Carnation DB, carnation flowers, carnation genome data base, ethylene biosynthesis.