African Journal of DNA and Cell Biology

African Journal of DNA and Cell Biology Vol. 3 (1) pp. 150-156, January, 2016. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

HPV pathogenesis and biomarkers of viral progression and cervical cancer: A literature review

*Pedro V. Rua, Aloysio Lerner Bezerra, Antônio Oliveira Salles and Paolla T. Faria

Cidade Universitária de Caxias do Sul, 1130, St. Francisco Getulio Vargas, Zip Code: 95070-560, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil.


Accepted 17 January, 2015


The critical sensitivity and specificity of the screening system for detection of HPV and cervical cancer indicates a necessity to study new biomarkers of early viral infection. This study aimed to review the literature evidence of novel biomarkers of viral progression and cervical cancer. To conduct this review, the electronic databases Medline, SciELO, Pubmed, in Portuguese and English, referring to biomarkers of viral progression and HPV pathogenesis were consulted. The viral infectious and carcinogenic action of HPV among the biomarkers of tumor progression described in the literature was observed, with highlights to microRNAs (miRNA) Transglutaminase Type 2 (TG2), Ki-67, p16INK4a and Dynamin2 and HPV L1 capsid Protein. Based on scientific evidence, it was concluded that it is possible to improve the process by feasible techniques of high predictive value, thus highlighting the need for further studies to prove the biomarker effectiveness for subsequent use in the national screening system.

Key words: Uterine cervical neoplasms, HPV, biological markers.