International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

ISSN 2326-7291

International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology ISSN: 2326-7291 Vol. 3 (4), pp. 026-030, April, 2014. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Various manifestations of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and its relationship with HIV-AIDS

1Irappa Madabhavi, 2Swaroop Revannasiddaiah and 3Priyanka Das

1,3Department of Medical & Pediatric oncology, GCRI, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

2Department of Radiotherapy & Clinical Oncology, Swami Rama Cancer Hospital & Research, Institute, Haldwani, Uttarakhand, India.


Accepted 14 march, 2014


Tuberculosis is known from ancient times. Recently HIV and Tuberculosis emerged as an important treatable co-epidemic especially in developing countries. Extra-Pulmonary Tubercular involvement is one of the important manifestations of Tuberculosis especially in HIV co-infected patients. But the extra-pulmonary manifestations vary between patients of Tuberculosis with HIV and without HIV co infection. In HIV subgroup lymph node tuberculosis (58.1%) was commonest extra pulmonary presentation with cervical lymph nodes (35.5%) as commonest site. Neurological tuberculosis (32.3%) was second common followed by pleural effusion (29%).  Abdominal tuberculosis (19%) was at fourth place with hepatomegaly and omental mass as commonest clinical finding. Ascites was not seen in any of the patient. None of patients with HIV co infection had skeletal and pericardial involvement. EPTB most commonly affects the younger economically productive section of the society. Co-infection with HIV is an important risk factor. The site of organ involvement in EPTB is different in HIV-infected and non-HIV-infected persons. There is higher frequency of disseminated disease among HIV – TB co-infected patients.

Key words: Tuberculosis, HIV, extra pulmonary TB (EPTB) manifestations, co- infection, epidemics.