International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Extension

ISSN 2329-9797

International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Extension ISSN 2329-9797 Vol. 11 (2), pp. 001-006, February, 2023. © International Scholars Journals


Nutrient content of important fruit trees from arid zone of Rajasthan

Mala Rathore

Non-Wood Forest Products Division, Arid Forest Research Institute, PO- Krishi Mandi, Pali Road, Jodhpur-342005 (Rajasthan), India. Tel: 0291-2729164.

Accepted 5 January, 2022


Forests have provided food and shelter to man since ages. About 20% of the plants occurring in the forests are reported to have direct utility to mankind. Around 600 plant species in Indian forests are ennumerated to have food value. Arid zone vegetation comprises a wide range of edible fruit bearing and food producing species viz. Capparis decidua (Ker), Cordia dichotoma (lasora), Ziziphus mauritiana (ber), Ziziphus nummularia (Bordi), Salvadora oleoides (Jal), Balanites aegyptiaca (Hingota), Prosopis cineraria (Khejri) etc. which play an important role in the nutrition of children in rural and urban areas alike and are relished by them. Most of these fruits are rich sources of protein and energy. Ker is a rich source of fibre, vitamin A and vitamin C. Ber is richer than apple in protein, phosphorous, calcium, carotene and vitamin C. However they are often under valued and underutilized as more exotic fruits become accessible. Also most of these are not cultivated and there is only scant and dispersed knowledge about them. Their production and consumption provides a dietary supplement as well as commercial opportunity. Potential fruit species from arid region are reviewed in context with their nutrient contents.

Key words: Fruits, nutrition, protein, vitamin A, energy.