African Journal of Gender and Women Studies

ISSN 2736-1578

African Journal of Gender and Women Studies ISSN: 2736-1578, Vol. 9 (2), pp. 001-013, February, 2024. Available online at © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Co-educational tutorial classes and their significance on gendered test scores of Wollo University students: A before-after analyses

Mu’uz Gidey

Wollo University, Ethiopia. E-mail: /

Received 17 May, 2015; Accepted 31 October, 2023


This action research is carried out in a practical class room setting to devise an innovative way of administering tutorial classes to improve students’ learning competence with particular reference to gendered test scores. A before-after test score analyses of mean and standard deviations along with t-statistical tests of hypotheses of second year Civics and Ethical Studies Students administering 18 hours tutorial classes had been carried out. The findings showed the hitherto upheld gender gap based view that the average female student scores lag behind their male counter parts. Test scores have improved significantly for female students than male after tutorial. The significance test as to whether tutorial classes have gendered correlates showed high pedigree, contrary to common expectations, towards female students indicating the need for rearticulating gender sensitivity to the needs of male students. The study has shown tutorial classes meant to improve students’ test scores fall prey of committing unintentional error of femininizing tutorial programs; that in turn cause fallback of male students’ scores; that made them fail to benefit from their comparative strengths. Thus, it is commendable to take note of both male and female students’ needs not only to empower and enable them benefit from their learning weakness but also from their strengths: gendering tutorial programs inclusive of male students.

Keyword: Tutorial, test scores, gender, Wollo University.