International Journal of Horticulture and Floriculture

ISSN 2756-3790

International Journal of Horticulture and Floriculture Vol. 2 (1), pp. 033-039, January, 2014. © International Scholars Journals


The progress and issues in the Dutch, Chinese and Kenyan floriculture industries

Fuentes lim, Suin V. Nabeegh and Huang Qing

Department of Agriculture, School of Agricultural sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, People's Republic of China.

Accepted 22 December, 2013


The review covered the progressive trends in the floriculture industry of The Netherlands, China and Kenya. The Netherlands maintained the largest market share of 70 - 75% in the industry. However, in 2008 its export declined to 3.9%. The Netherlands had moved from the traditional production role to distribution and marketing. Annual floriculture growth in Kenya was 15% and had become the highest foreign currency earner in 2009 for the country with an export earnings of US$464 million. Chinese total import and export of flowers in 2007 was US$200 million and the wholesale value of production was in 2009 US$1,172 million. China and Kenya remained net exporters of flower products and depended on outside markets for the sale of their flower products. Issues such as the environment and health, development of home market, high production and delivery costs and rising consumer demands, that had become significantly important for the sustained growth of the floriculture industry were reviewed. The prospects and the future trends of the flower industry of The Netherlands, China and Kenya were discussed.

Key words: Environment and health, rising consumer demand, The Netherlands, Kenya, China.