African Journal of Geography and Regional Planning

ISSN 2736-1586

African Journal of Geography and Regional Planning ISSN 3627-8945 Vol. 5 (1), pp. 001-020, January, 2018. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Assessment of water balance indices in nigeriaNigeria over two years with contrasting moisture condition

1Kehinde Musa Oladejo and 2Aliyu Tambuwal Umar 

1&2Department of Geography, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, P.M.B. 2346, Sokoto, Nigeria.

Corresponding author's E-mail:; Tel. 08070782425

Accepted 26 December, 2017  


A routine study of water balance is a veritable tool in monitoring the amount of water that will be available in the soil of any particular place at a particular time for optimal crop production and other uses. This study assessed water balance indices in Nigeria over two years with contrasting moisture condition. This study used Mean monthly air temperature and monthly rainfall data for 1983 and 2003 . The data were sourced from the archives of the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) with respect to twenty-seven weather stations across Nigeria. The data were subjected to Thornwaite’s and Climatic water budgeting procedure to estimate water balance indices such as potential evapotranpiration, actual evapotranspiration, water deficit and water surplus. Paired sample test revealed that there is a significance difference between the water balance indices of a dry year and a wet year and across different locations in Nigeria [p=.000]. This study concluded that there is no uniformity in the pattern of water balance indices across Nigeria for over two years. It is recommended thatThis study suggests establishment of more functional irrigation projects be established in those locations where water deficit is higher in order to boost their crop production throughout the year in Nigeria.    

Keywords: Water balance indices, Aactual evapotranpiration, Ppotential evapotranspitraion, wWater deficit, wWater surplus.

Full Length Research Paper


aAssessment of water balance indices in nigeriaNigeria over two years with contrasting moisture condition



1Kehinde Musa Oladejo (, Mobile phone: 08070782425and

2aAliyu Umar Tambuwal (, Mobile phone: 08033321462

Submitted to the African Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 


1&2Department of Geography,

Usmanu Danfodiyo University, P.M.B. 2346, Sokoto, Nigeria.


Accepted 26 December, 2017



A routine study of water balance is a veritable tool in monitoring the amount of water that will be available in the soil of any particular place at a particular time for optimal crop production and other uses. This study assessed water balance indices in Nigeria over two years with contrasting moisture condition. This study used Mean monthly air temperature and monthly rainfall data for 1983 and 2003 . The data were sourced from the archives of the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) with respect to twenty-seven weather stations across Nigeria. The data were subjected to Thornwaite’s and Climatic water budgeting procedure to estimate water balance indices such as potential evapotranpiration, actual evapotranspiration, water deficit and water surplus. Paired sample test revealed that there is a significance difference between the water balance indices of a dry year and a wet year and across different locations in Nigeria [p=.000]. This study concluded that there is no uniformity in the pattern of water balance indices across Nigeria for over two years. It is recommended thatThis study suggests establishment of more functional irrigation projects be established in those locations where water deficit is higher in order to boost their crop production throughout the year in Nigeria.   


Keywords: Water balance indices, Aactual evapotranpiration, Ppotential evapotranspitraion, wWater deficit, wWater surplus.Full Length Research Paper

aAssessment of water balance indices in nigeriaNigeria over two years with contrasting moisture condition


1Kehinde Musa Oladejo (, Mobile phone: 08070782425and 

2aAliyu Umar Tambuwal (, Mobile phone: 08033321462

Submitted to the African Journal of Geography and Regional Planning

1&2Department of Geography, 

Usmanu Danfodiyo University, P.M.B. 2346, Sokoto, Nigeria.



Accepted 26 December, 2017  

A routine study of water balance is a veritable tool in monitoring the amount of water that will be available in the soil of any particular place at a particular time for optimal crop production and other uses. This study assessed water balance indices in Nigeria over two years with contrasting moisture condition. This study used Mean monthly air temperature and monthly rainfall data for 1983 and 2003 . The data were sourced from the archives of the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) with respect to twenty-seven weather stations across Nigeria. The data were subjected to Thornwaite’s and Climatic water budgeting procedure to estimate water balance indices such as potential evapotranpiration, actual evapotranspiration, water deficit and water surplus. Paired sample test revealed that there is a significance difference between the water balance indices of a dry year and a wet year and across different locations in Nigeria [p=.000]. This study concluded that there is no uniformity in the pattern of water balance indices across Nigeria for over two years. It is recommended thatThis study suggests establishment of more functional irrigation projects be established in those locations where water deficit is higher in order to boost their crop production throughout the year in Nigeria.    

Keywords: Water balance indices, Aactual evapotranpiration, Ppotential evapotranspitraion, wWater deficit, wWater surplus.