African Journal of Agronomy

ISSN 2375-1185

African Journal of Agronomy ISSN 2375-1185 Vol. 4 (4), pp. 245-246, April, 2016. © International Scholars Journals

Short Communication

Salt tolerance of rice varieties under salt-affected soil at Zaidi Farm

*1 Fawad Khan Pervez, 2Imran O. Zefar and 3Nawaz Shahid Akram

*1NARC, Islamabad–45500, Pakistan.

2Agronomy Department, University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

3Agriculture Extension Department, Rawalpindi, Pakistan


Accepted 6 March, 2016


An experiment was conducted to investigate salt tolerance of eight rice varieties viz; K-282, Shaheen Bas, Bas-370, PB-95, IR-6, COM-2004, Basmati-370 and IR-9. Under salt-affected soil having (EC=7.5 dsm-1, pH=8.3, SAR=47and texture silty clay loam) at Zaidi Farm, Kakar Gill, Sheikhupura. This study was operated to determine the number of productive tillers, panicle length, straw and paddy yield for salt tolerance. IR-6 had higher straw yield while paddy yield was maximum in case of COM-2004 showing better salt tolerance. As IR-9 failed to produce paddy yield under salt-affected conditions, therefore, it was placed at the lowest position. However, on the basis of this study I R-9, Bas-370 and Bas-385 could easily be ranked on the salt sensitive rice line.

Keywords: Salt tolerance, panicle length, mass screening, paddy and straw ratio