African Journal of Internal Medicine

ISSN 2326-7283

African Journal of Internal Medicine ISSN 2326-7283 Vol. 3 (4), pp. 139-145, May, 2015. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

HIV-Malaria coinfection in the Department of Paediatrics of Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Souro SANOU ( CHUSS )

Ouedraogo SM1,2, Sangaré I1,2, Sourabié Y1,2,  Zongo R1 , Zida A3,4 , Ouedraogo AS1,2Fofana S 1,2 ,  Guiguemdé RT2

¹Sourô Sanou University Hospital, Mail box 676 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 Burkina Faso

² Higher institute of Health sciences, Polytechnic University of Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.

³ University department of Health sciences, University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

4 Yalgado Ouédraogo University Hospital, Ouagadougo,Burkina Faso.

Corresponding author. Email: Tel. (00226) 70 20 70 76.


Introduction: The interaction of these two pathologies raises capital issues as well as therapeutic. This study aims at a better understanding of the clinical, biological and therapeutic profile of HIV-malaria coinfected children.

Methodology: It is a  prospective and retrospective cross-sectional study. Were involved patients infected with HIV followed in the department whose clinical and laboratory diagnosis of malaria had been made and / or patients with whom the diagnosis of coinfection was made through a medical consultation.

Results: The prevalence of coinfection was 3.09%. The clinical signs of severity were dominated by impaired consciousness and seizures. As for biological signs, anemia was found with 65% of patients and thrombocytopenia with 9.3% of cases. Immunocompetent patients accounted for 70.7% of coinfected patients. Pharmaco therapeutic groups which were administered were hyperleucocytoses, they were found with 19.6% of coinfected patients mainly antimalarials (100% of cases), analgesics-antipyretics (79.6% of cases) and ARV(48.1% of cases).

Conclusion: Immunosuppression caused by HIV infection did not appear to be associated with the frequency of occurrence of malaria. Chemo malaria prophylaxis with HIV positive children is not necessary.

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