African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry

ISSN 2375-0979

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry ISSN 2375-0979 Vol. 7 (11), pp. 001-004, November, 2019. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

New data about Hésperis pýcnotricha in Romania

Iulian Costache

University of Craiova, Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Biology, 15 Libertăţii Street, 200583 Craiova, Romania. E-mail:,

Accepted 22 July, 2019


There are presented new data about Hésperis pýcnotricha in Romania. In 2004, the species was first identified in Gura Motrului Locality in Romania. Since then, the species has been pursued and so far, we have come up with new data on its origin and chronology. To our joy, the plant (ornamentally planted) has been identified in the same locality in a backyard adjacent to the first resort. Subsequently, the plant has been identified in other locations such as at the edge of abandoned farms and their premises in Cerna Valcea District; in some local households in Ponoarele Mehedinti District. Travelling in Turkey, at Marmara University in Erasmus, the author had the opportunity to see ornamental plants, inside the yard of Dolmabahçe Palace. Comparing the material collected from Turkey with that from Romania, he realized that both samples have the same morphologically characteristics. From bibliography sources, at the European level (like in Moldova, Slovakia, Turkey in Europe and Ukraine), it is known as a native plant or entered in Krym, Czech Republic, Lithuania and Russian Federation. The species is also known in Sweden while in Lithuania, it is mentioned in the list of invasive plants. The presence of the species in Romania, although was pointed out from 2004, is not consigned at the European level.

Key words: New chronology, Hésperis pýcnotricha, Romanian, flora.