International Journal of Urology and Nephrology

ISSN 2756-3855

International Journal of Urology and Nephrology ISSN: 2091-1252 Vol. 3 (1), pp. 069-073, January, 2015. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Comparison of Anemia and Bone Metabolism in Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Patients

Hatice AKAY,MD1, Nilgül Akalin,MD2, Özlem HARMANKAYA, MD2, Doç. , Mehmet KÖROĞLU, MD1, Baki KUMBASAR, MD3, Doç.

1Bakirkoy Dr.Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, İnternal Medicine, Turkey.

2Bakirkoy Dr.Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Nephrology Unıt, Turkey.

3Istanbul University Medical School İnstitutes of Health Sciences, İnternal Medicine, Turkey.


Accepted 30 September, 2014


In this study, we compared anemia and bone metabolism in patients undergone hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis replacement therapy. We  aimed to demonstrate superiority of the replacement therapies in terms of anemia and bone metabolism. The levels of  serum iron, iron binding capacity, ferritin, hemogram, calcium, phosphorus and parathormone were measured in the patients. In all patients were recorded ıron, erythropoiesis stimulation therapy, phosphorus lowering medications containing calcium and active vitamin D therapy and  the mean therapy doses were calculated. No differences were found in the distribution of mean age  and gender and mean duration of dialysis between the groups. Mean hemoglobine  and mean hematocrit  values of the dialysis groups were found to be similar. Hemodialysis patient group was observed to receive erythropoiesis stimulation therapy in higher doses than the peritoneal dialysis patient group. There was not significant difference between both the groups in terms of  phosphorus binding therapy  and active vitamin D therapy. No significant difference was observed between the dialysis groups in terms of anemia and bone metabolism.

Key words: Anemia, bone metabolism, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, superiority of dialysis treatments.