International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

ISSN 2167-0404

International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences ISSN: 2167-0404, Vol. 2 (1), pp. 050-052, January, 2012.  © International Scholars Journals

Short Communication


Peril, risks and danger of infectious diseases from mobile phones


Bharathi Purohit1 and Abhinav Singh2

1Assistant Professor - Department of Public Health Dentistry, People’s College of Dental Sciences, Bhopal – India

2Assistant Professor - Department of Public Health Dentistry,  ESIC Dental College & Hospital, Rohini – New Delhi  Under Central Ministry of Labour & Employment - Government of India                                                                             

*Corresponding Author’s

Received November 9, 2011; Accepted January 19, 2012


Nosocomial infection is an important problem in all modern hospitals. Unlike our hands, which are easily sterilized using hand sanitizers made available readily across all hospitals and medical facilities, our mobile phones are more cumbersome to clean. Even we rarely make an effort to sanitize them. As a result, these devices carry a variety of bacteria. The use of cell phones often occurs in hospitals, by patients, visitors and health care workers, and this is one environment where hospital-associated infection is most prevalent. Everyone should clean their cell phones, but especially doctors, dentists and nurses whose hygiene impacts the patients well-being. 

Key words: Infection control practices, mobile phones, hospital based settings, dental clinics, new threats on the horizon