International Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

ISSN 2169-3048

International Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology ISSN 2169-3048 Vol. 5 (1), pp. 735-739, January, 2017. © International ScholarsJournals

Full Length Research Paper

Prevalence of Candida albicans among women attending federal medical centre Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria

1*Uzoh CV, 2Iheukwumere IH, 3Umezurike KC,4Onyewenjo SC

1Department of Microbiology, Federal University of Technology, PMB 1526 Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria,

2Department of Microbiology, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu University PMB 02 Uli Anambra State, Nigeria,

3Department of Biology Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education PMB Owerri 1033, Imo State,

4Department of Biology/Microbiology Federal Polytechnic Nekede PMB 1036 Owerri Imo State, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author E-mail: Tel.: +234-8068582884

Accepted 03 December, 2017


Four hundred (400) High Vaginal Swabs (HVS) were carefully and aseptically collected from symptomatic and asymptomatic pregnant and non pregnant women aged 18-49 years. The samples were analyzed using standard microbiological methods. Wet preparation of the samples was examined microscopically and the swabs were cultured on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) plates and incubated at 370C for 3-4 days. The overall prevalence of Candida albicans was 137 (34.25%). Among this number 96(36.36%) of the symptomatic women had Candida albicans while 41(30.14%) asymptomatic women as well had Candida albicans. This investigation recommends good personal hygiene and regular check up for women domiciled in this area since C.albicans poses a major health challenge to avoid complicated health problems.

Keywords: Candida albicans, asymptomatic, prevalence, candidiasis.