International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

ISSN 2326-7291

International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology ISSN: 2326-7291 Vol. 4 (6), pp. 158-161, June, 2015. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Prevalence of cognitive impairment varied with sex and education in an elderly population 60 years and over living in the commune of Diourbel, Senegal

Touré K.1,2,3*, Coumé M.4,, Sow A.,2 Basse A.2, Diagne N.S.2, Sarr Moustapha.1 , Ndao A.K.2, Diop M. S.2, Seck L.B.2, Ndiaye M.2, Tal Dia A.3, Diop A.G.2 and Ndiaye M.M.2

1Department of Health Sciences, University of Thies, Senegal.

2Department of Neurology, Fann Teaching Hospital, Dakar-Senegal.

3Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology, Cheikh Anta. Diop University, Dakar-Senegal.

4Medico Social and University Teaching Center of IPRES, Dakar-Senegal.

*Corresponding auhor. Tel. +221 77 5566467.


With the aging of the population, cognitive impairment is becoming frequent. Thus, a study was conducted to estimate its prevalence in a Senegalese elderly population 60 years and over living in the commune of Diourbel, Senegal. A cross sectional study was conducted from July to august 2007 in a population of elderly aged 60 years and over living in the commune of Diourbel, Senegal to screen for cognitive impairment. Data on sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyles, physical activity, social network, medical history, familial history of dementia were collected with a structured questionnaire. Interviews were completed with a clinical exam and neuropsychological testing with the Test of Senegal. Cognitive impairment was defined as a score of ≤ 28/39 with the Test of Senegal. The population (584 elderly) had a mean age of 69.5 years (±7.3), was mostly female (54%), married (74.6%), and illiterated (80.1%).  Social network was poor, alcohol and smoking rare. Hypertension (58%), arthritis (45.9%), gastro-intestinal diseases (38.2%), anemia (29.5%) and cataract (22.9%) were the main health conditions reported. History of dementia was reported by 26.2%. Prevalence of cognitive impairment was 20.7% (95% CI: 17.7%-23.7%). This prevalence was more frequent among female and illiterated elderly persons. Prevalence of cognitive impairment was high and more frequent in female and illiterated elderly population living in the commune of Diourbel, Senegal.

Key words: Cognitive Impairment, Prevalence, Elderly population, Diourbel, Senegal.