International Journal of Medical Advances and Discoveries

ISSN 2756-3812

International Journal of Medical Advances and Discovery ISSN 2756-3812 Vol. 2 (11), pp. 001-004, November, 2011. © International Scholars Journals

Case Report

Unilateral tuberculous otitis media

Naeem K Makhdoom

Head of Department, Otolaryngology Department, College of Medicine, Taibah University, Medina PO Box 30001, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Email:

Accepted 21 June, 2011


Tuberculous otitis media (TBOM) is an extremely rare clinical condition worldwide. This may pose a diagnostic challenge even to the most astute and experienced otolaryngologist due to a low index of suspicion; however clinician should be aware of the possibility of tuberculosis (T.B) in patients with unusual aggressive presentation of otitis media with complications such as facial nerve paralysis, rapidly progressive hearing loss and multiple tympanic membrane perforations with scanty hell paje colored ear discharge. The objective of this case report is to raise the awareness of TBOM as a possible differential diagnosis in a patient with chronic otitis media. This is the first case of TBOM being reported from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Keywords: Tubercolous otitis media, lower motor neuron disease, hearing loss.