African Journal of Parasitology Research

ISSN 2756-3391

African Journal of Parasitology Research ISSN 2343-6549 Vol. 5 (11), pp. 366-370, November, 2018. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Prevalence and intensity of Dockovdia oruensis in Potadoma moerchi from some streams in Oru, Ije-bu North, Western Nigeria

O. M. Agbolade1*, T. Gledhill2, O.T. Fajebe1, O.M. Abolade1 and T.M. Olateju1

1Department of Plant Science and Applied Zoology, Olabisi Onabanjo University, P. M. B. 2002, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria.

2Freshwater Biological Association, Ambleside, Cumbria, La22 Olp, United Kingdom.

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Accepted 02 May, 2017


Dockovdia oruensis and some other infections were studied in relation to the population and seasonal abundance of Potadoma moerchi from three streams in a town endemic for schistosomiasis in Ijebu North, southwestern Nigeria from November 2002 to October 2003. 72.9% of the total 958 specimens of P. moerchi collected were from Eri- Oru Stream. 55.6% and 100% of the snails from Eri-Oru and Ojupon, respectively, were recorded during dry season. 21.3% of the P. moerchi had D. oruensis infection. Eri-Oru had the highest monthly frequency of D. oruensis infection. P. moerchi specimens in 35 - 45 mm size class had the highest prevalence of D. oruensis infection. Intensity of infection ranged from one to 12 mites/snail. One (0.8%) of the P. moerchi specimens in 25 - 35 mm size class collected in January 2003 from Eri-Oru had Chaetogaster limnaei infection. 5.9% (15) and 0.1% (1) of the P. moerchi collected from Ojupon and Eri-Oru respectively had trematode infection. 93.8% of the trematode-infected P. moerchi specimens were in 25-35 mm size class.

Key words: Dockovdia oruensis, Potadoma moerchi, Chaetogaster limnaei, trematode infection, water mite, Nigeria.