African Journal of Geography and Regional Planning

ISSN 2736-1586

African Journal of Geography and Regional Planning Vol. 1 (1), pp. 001-003, January, 2014. © International Scholars Journals


Chongming Island environmental preservation project

Carl Kaestle

Director, "SACOG," Sustainable Agriculture Consulting Group", 4 Efter St. Tel Aviv, 69362, Israel. E-mail:

Accepted 22 December, 2013


Chongming Island is under the framework of Shanghai administration. It is an alluvial Island in the mouth of the Yangtze River. The area is 1041 km2 and the population is about 700,000 inhabitance. An expected tunnel will combine the island to the main land in the future. The local population will increase and the island is becoming very attractive to tourists. The island could be regarded as a Peri Urban system of Shanghai neighborhood. All these turn Chongming Island into an ecological conservation project directed by Shanghai Academy Agricultural Science (SAAS) organization. The following are few ideas that can reduce the hazard of soil, water, air contamination and other environmental distur-bances. Also activities proposed to change the island agricultural features, ecological education campaign and eco-agro tourism projects

Key words: Agroecology, urban and peri urban agriculture, suburb ecological conservation project.