International Research Journal of Mechanical Engineering

International Research Journal of Mechanical Engineering Vol.  2 (6) pp. 161-173, June, 2014.  © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Designs for Gudgeon pin in returning air compressors by semi analytic approach

*Jagjivan Mitra, Vishnu Y. Shankar and Amitabh Bachchan

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India.


Accepted 27 May, 2014


The deformation and stress experienced by the Gudgeon pin of a reciprocating compressor used in air brake system is scientifically predicted when the pin is fully floating with lubricating oil surrounding it and when starved of oil. Both semi analytical approach in finite element method and simple bending theory of beams are used. Inadequacy of the beam approach is highlighted. The results obtained by both the approaches are compared. Role of clearance in piston bore and small end of connecting rod and effectiveness of lubrication are examined. Factor of safety associated with the design of Gudgeon pin is also looked into.

Key words: Gudgeon pin, semi and fully floating pin, semi analytic method, role of lubricant, factor of safety.