Global Journal of Sociology and Anthropology

ISSN 2756-3456

Global Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol. 9 (5), pp. 001-006, May, 2020. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Utilizing the participatory social learning theory as a new paradigm to evaluate the International Labour Organization (ILO) assessment of support for growth-oriented women entrepreneurs in Uganda

Ronya D. Foy

School of Social Work, Howard University, Washington, DC USA. 601 Howard Place NW, 3rd Floor. Tel: (202) 239-7399: E-mail:

Accepted 13 October, 2019


This manuscript highlights the participatory social learning theory (PSLT), an underutilized yet viable theory for assessing development initiatives. The PSLT is presented in this article as a means of analyzing the initiatives proposed and implemented for women’s economic growth in Uganda. It specifically analyzes the International Labour Organizations (ILO) report on support for women entrepreneurs in Uganda utilizing the five development imperatives of institution building, human resources, natural and man-made resources, technology, and investment capital. This framework assists those interested in African development to assess the quality of this initiative and ultimately make recommendations as to whether the program has the intended effect on supporting women entrepreneurs in Uganda. It ensures that the future perspectives of African development includes growth as a participatory process with local participation as essential to sustainable growth.

Key words: Business growth, entrepreneurship, women, African development, Uganda, program evaluation.