African Journal of Parasitology Research

ISSN 2756-3391

African Journal of Parasitology Research ISSN: 2343-6549 Vol. 3 (2), pp. 173-175, February, 2016. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Biology of major insects mainly tribolium casteneum (herbst) in cocoa beans

1V Shrikant*, 1S Mohan, 1K Ramaraju and2Ganesh H

1Department of Agricultural Entomology,Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore- 641 003, 2Department of Agricultural Entomology,University of Agricultural Sciences,Dharwad-580005.

*Corresponding author E-mail:

Accepted 14 July, 2014


Investigations were carried out to study the stored product insects associated with stored cocoa beans at private godowns located at Sennakallpalyam, Dharapuram in Tamil Nadu, India during 2010-2011. The tools used were normal sieve sample, UV light trap, pheromone trap and stack probe trap. The trap catches compared in all methods major insect got is T. castaneum hence the biological studies were carried out on the major insect attacking stored cocoa beans namely red flour beetle, T. castaneum. Insects cultured on cocoa bean host had high fecundity 60 percent, hatchability 93 percent, mean developmental period is about 240 DAS and growth index 4.18 DAS.

Keywords: Tribolium casteneum (HERBST), fecundity, growth Index.