African Journal of Environmental and Waste Management

ISSN 2375-1266

African Journal of Environmental and Waste Management ISSN 2375-1266 Vol. 5 (7), pp. 001-006, December, 2018. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Integrated approach to solid waste management in Pune City

Sanjay Rode

S. K. Somaiya College, University of Mumbai, India. E-mail:

Accepted 09 February, 2018


Solid waste is increasing in Pune city due to growth of population, urbanization, higher per capita income and standard of living, changing lifestyle and food habits. The solid waste created by the household units, shops, restaurant and commercial units are higher. Solid waste is inevitable task in urbanization process and it will increase in future. The collection, segregation, storage, transports and processing of solid waste needs planning and more investment. Clean city improves standard of living by reducing different diseases. Public private partnership is more useful in solid waste management. Government and Municipal Corporation (MC) must encourage local management through collection, transport and segregation and disposal of solid waste. Public awareness and segregation at source, rules and regulations related to solid waste will bring good change in solid waste management.

Key words: Urbanization, management, lifestyle.