International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

ISSN 2167-0447

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences ISSN: 2167-0447 Vol. 14 (3), pp. 001-003, March, 2024. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper
Rumen and blood biochemical profile of goats fed on pelleted complete diet
A. P. Dhok*, D. H. Rekhate and K. P. Bhadane

Department of Animal Nutrition Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur (Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur) 
*Corresponding author –

Received 19 February, 2024; Accepted 04 March, 2024 and Published 28 May, 2024


An experiment was conducted on twelve goats selected randomly to study the rumen and blood biochemical profile on pelleted complete diets. The goats were fed with pelleted complete diet up to 150 days of experiment T1 (12% CP, 55% TDN), T2 (14% CP, 60% TDN). Roughage to concentrate ratio was maintained at 60:40 with arhar straw as basal roughage. The concentrate mixture consisted of maize grain, cotton seed cake, groundnut cake, arhar chunni, mineral mixture and salt. The rumen and blood biochemical profile was studied at every month from each goat under study. The rumen liquor parameters varied significantly (p < 0.0.1) between the treatments except for pH. The blood biochemical parameters also varied significantly (p < 0.01) except for the serum calcium. It was inferred that the pelleted complete diet of varying energy and protein levels had a significant effect on various rumen and blood biochemical’s except pH and calcium, though there were significant differences between treatments, all the parameters were in normal range reflecting better health of animals. 

Keywords: Pelleted complete feed, blood biochemical’s, rumen profile.