African Journal of Philosophy and Religious Studies

ISSN 2756-3405

African Journal of Philosophy and Religious Studies ISSN 2756-3405 Vol. 10 (1), pp. 001-008, January, 2024. Available online at © International Scholars Journals


The evolving role of the intellectual in the digital age: Exploring subjectivity, knowledge, and communication

Eduardo C. B. Bittar

Associate Professor at the Departmentt of Philosophy and General Theory of Law at the Scchool of Law (USP, São Paulo, Brazil). Is 2o. Vice-President of ABRAFI (IVR/ Brazil). N-2 level Researcher at Counciil for National Research – CNPq. Reseracher on the area of Philoosophy and General Theory of Law, developing his actual research work on “Human Rights Education” and “Theory of democracy”.


Accepted 28 December, 2023


This article discusses the place of the intellectual in the modern world, and makes reflections about the situation of the impoverishment of intellectual venues, in the information society, as a sign of the decadence of this critical potentiall, discussing with the conception and main conncepts of the Critical Theory, the ways to social emancipation.

Keywords: Critical Theory – Intellectuual – Social Emancipation – Information Society.