African Journal of Philosophy and Religious Studies

ISSN 2756-3405

African Journal of Philosophy and Religious Studies ISSN 1621-4587 Vol. 2 (5), pp. 001-007, May, 2016. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

An assessment of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal towards peaceful co-existence in the Roman Catholic Church

Kasomo Daniel

Department of Philosophy Religion and Theology, Maseno University, Kenya. E-mail: Tel: +254 722-770204, +254 733-703603.

Accepted 11 October, 2015


This study concerns the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, a movement within the Catholic Church that had direct influence from the Protestant Pentecostals. Subsequently, it spread through clearly defined, pre-existing social-metric network. A small number of lay people at Duquesne University earnestly and intensely prayed for a return of the type of Christian community akin to the first Christians in Acts of the Apostles. This group in 1967 is said to have experienced baptism in the Spirit in what was to eventually become known as the “Duquesne Weekend”, which was the official beginning of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. From this nucleus of individuals, the movement spread initially through college campuses. From these institutions, it diffused to other parts of the United States, always following previously existing social networks. Many facts attest to this growth such as an establishment of a well equipped office, rise in the number of prayer groups, numerous seminars, rallies, retreats and the way people are becoming more charismatic in worship. The research intended to investigate why the Catholic Charismatic Renewal is gaining ground. It aimed at looking at the factors that have contributed to the rise of the movement. Today many people ask if it is a cult, sect, movement, denomination in the making or a schism. The article tried to answer some of these questions among others.

Key words: Catholic, charismatic, church, denomination, renewal, movement, sect.