International Research Journal of Mechanical Engineering

International Research Journal of Mechanical Engineering Vol.  1 (1) pp. 009-015, November, 2013. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Organization of an air quality monitoring model for dust-free rooms using the control chart techniques

*Cheng Ken Yang, Rainie E. Chou and Richie Shui-bian

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taichung, Taiwan.


Accepted 15 October, 2013


Recently, high-tech industries such as semiconductor, aerospace, optoelectronics, precision manufacturing precision required for its products increasingly stringent and dust-free rooms operating environment of various pollutants control requirements are also increasing. Accuracy ventilation in dust-free room is related to the experimental results, proper ventilation can help reduce levels of pollution particles inside the laboratory. In addition to particle pollution exclusion, the pollution particles into the switch through the door, whether we can be inhibited by different ventilation position pollution particles into the lab, then laboratory ventilation should be a priority. Laboratory common sources of pollution, tiny particles such as micro-electromechanical laboratory processes generated by the air conditioning ventilation equipment into dust, biological experiments may leak off bacteria, these contaminated dust particles and bacteria accumulate even off the air in the operating environment, some will direct the human body after inhalation injury, and can cause damage and affect the accuracy of the experimental laboratory equipment.

Key word: Dust-free room, pollution particles, ventilation equipment.