African Journal of Agriculture and Food Security

ISSN 2375-1177

African Journal of Agriculture and Food Security ISSN 2375-1177 Vol. 8 (7), pp. 001-003, July, 2020. © International Scholars Journals

Short Communication

Promotion of coconut in the production of yoghurt

Rita E. Sanful

Department of Hotel, Catering and Institutional Management, Cape Coast Polytechnic, P. O. Box AD 50, Cape Coast, Ghana. E-mail: or

Accepted 22 April, 2020


Yoghurt was produced from milk obtained from coconut milk and skimmed cow milk, by fermentation using starter cultures. The results obtained show that the pH of the various products ranged from 4.2 - 4.4. The acceptability of the yoghurt produced was investigated in a sensory evaluation study. The sensory evaluation study of the samples indicated that yogurt produced from skimmed cow milk did not differ from those produced from coconut and cow milk composites in all sensory quality attributes. Thus coconut milk can be used with cow milk to produce acceptable and affordable yoghurt since coconut milk is cheaper. The results also showed that middle aged coconut (7 - 8 months old) could be used for the production of acceptable yoghurt.

Key words: Sensory evaluation, starter culture, coconut, substrate.