African Journal of Geography and Regional Planning

ISSN 2736-1586

African Journal of Geography and Regional Planning ISSN 2736-1586 Vol. 10 (3), pp. 001-016, March, 2023. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Spatial distribution of women informal economic activities in the rural areas of Imo State, Nigeria

Emmanuella Chinenye Onyenechere

Department of Geography/Environmental Management, Evan Enwerem University, Owerri, Nigeria. E-mail: Tel: +2348033743055.

Accepted 9 December, 2022


Utilizing a feminist perspective, the paper examines the spatial distribution of informal economic activities engaged in by women in the rural areas of Imo state and ascertains if there is spatial variation in the type of informal economic activities executed by these rural women. For the study, data were collected at household and institutional levels. Field observation and the focus group discussion method were used to further elicit information. The data collected were subjected to various methods of analytical techniques, such as analysis of variance and other simpler statistical methods. The findings of the research are as follows; 39.7% of the respondents are engaged in petty trading followed by farming (29.1%), 27.4% are found in food processing; the least percentage ratio of 3.8% is in crafts. Analysis of variance reveals that economic activities vary significantly among communities and local government areas in Imo state, Nigeria. This is because these areas do not have the same natural endowments and do not all exist within the same ecological/ geomorphologic zones though they are in the same state. Equally important is the fact that they are areas of high patriarchy. Some gender specific strategies to enhance the rural women’s informal economic activities in the study area and to address the observed variance/inequality were recommended.

Key words: Distribution, informal sector, Nigeria, spatial, rural, women, Imo State.