African Journal of Agribusiness Research

ISSN 2375-091X

African Journal of Tropical Agriculture ISSN 2375-091X Vol. 2 (10), pp. 105-110, October, 2014. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Evaluation of management practices and marketing systems of village chicken in Ethiopia

*Birturkan Tsegaye, Tilahun V. Gudina and H. N. Alemseged

Department of Veterinary Medicine, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.


Accepted 26 September, 2014


A cross sectional study was conducted with the objectives of assessing management practices and marketing systems of village chicken production from November 2011 to May 2012 in Ada’a and Lume districts of East Shewa, Ethiopia. Totally, 180 randomly selected respondents were included in the study from six purposively selected Peasant Associations (PA’s) from two districts. In both districts, 97.8% of the respondents provided additional feed supplements. Over 95% of the respondents used maize and wheat as additional supplements, provided mostly three times per day. About 96% of respondents in both districts provided water with free access. Extension services were used by 41.2% in Ada’a and 53.4% respondents in Lume districts. Of the total respondents, 78.8% did not vaccinate their chicken in Ada’a, whereas 80% of the respondents vaccinate their chicken in Lume districts. Collectively, about 56% of the respondents provided Oxy-tetracycline 20% as prophylactic measures against various poultry diseases. There was a good market access for poultry production inputs in Ada’a than in Lume districts. However, there was better market access for sell of poultry products in Lume than in Ada’a district. Through introducing improved chicken management practices and market facility at village, the farmers’ benefit could be enhanced from the poultry sector in these study areas.

Key words: Management practices, marketing system, village chicken.