International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Extension

ISSN 2329-9797

International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Extension ISSN: 2329-9797 Vol. 2 (1), pp. 068-076, January, 2014. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Factors affecting Farmers willingness to pay for improved irrigation service: A case study of Bontanga Irrigation Scheme in Northern Ghana

Hudu Zakaria1*, Afishata Mohammed Abujaja1, Hamza Adam2, Alhassan Y. Nabila3 and Imoro Mohammed3

1Department of Extension, rural development and Gender Studies, University for Development Studies, Ghana.

2Department of communication, Innovation and Technology, University for Development Studies, Ghana

3Faculty of Agriculture, University for Development Studies, Ghana.

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Accepted 06 December, 2013


The aim of this paper is to examine factors affecting farmers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for improved irrigation services at the Bontanga Irrigation Scheme.  There are 13 communities in the scheme’s catchment area of which Six (6) communities were randomly selected and 113 farmers interviewed with a semi structure questionnaires. Contingent Valuation Technique was adopted to estimate farmers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for improved irrigation services. The mean WTP for improved irrigation per ha per season was GHS 22.92 ($10.51), far below the GHS 50.00 ($22.94) proposed by management. The study found age and maintenance culture of irrigation facilities to be significant in influencing farmers’ willingness to pay at 10% significant level. Also on-scheme income as ratio of household income and off-scheme income were significant in influencing farmers’ willingness to pay at both 5% and 10% level of significance. The study recommends that any proposed increase in Irrigation Service Charges (ISCs) should be taken into consideration the mean WTP of 22.92GHS. Also, management of the scheme should put in place a comprehensive routine maintenance for facilities within the scheme to ensure regular delivery of water to merit farmers increase financial commitment towards sustainable management of the irrigation scheme.

Key words: Farmers, Irrigation, on-Scheme, off-scheme, Willingness, Pay and Bontanga.