International Research Journal of Mechanical Engineering

International Research Journal of Mechanical Engineering Vol.  2 (10) pp. 236-241, October, 2014. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Limited component examination of crisscross and easy chair sort single wall carbon nanotube

*Zhou S. Den-Yil, Yue A. Heng and chen Yip Man

 Mechatronics Engineering Department, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, China


Accepted 13 September, 2014


A carbon nanotube (CNT) possesses superior mechanical, electrical and optical properties. The stiffness and flexibility is much higher than those of conventional fibers. Various investigators have carried out various experiments as well as theoretical analysis which show that the carbon nanotubes possess superior mechanical properties. The model development in this work is based on the assumption that carbon nanotubes, when subjected to loading, behave like space-frame structures. The bonds between carbon atoms are considered as connecting load-carrying members, while the carbon atoms as joints of the members. To create the finite element (FE) models, nodes are placed at the locations of carbon atoms and the bonds between them are modeled using ANSYS spring element. The present work predicts the Young’s modulus variation with respect to different wall thickness. The compiled result shows the Young’s modulus variation as well as the comparison of zigzag and armchair type of carbon nanotube due to different loading conditions. The results would act as a useful tool for developing new nano composites.

Key words: Finite element analysis, carbon nanotube (CNT), Young’s modulus.