International Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

ISSN 2169-3048

International Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology ISSN 2169-3048 Vol. 9 (3), pp. 001-005, March, 2020. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Confirmation of the use of Latex IgM on cerebrospinal fluid for improving stage determination of Human African Trypanosomiasis

P. Truc1*, Vincent Jamonneau1, Jean-François Guegan2

1Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, UR177 « Trypanosomoses Africaines », International Campus of Baillarguet, IRD / CIRAD, TA 207 / G 34 398 Montpellier cedex 5 France.

2Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Génétique et Evolution des Maladies Infectieuses, UMR 2724 IRD-CNRS, Equipe "Evolution des Systèmes Symbiotiques", 911 Avenue Agropolis B.P. 64501 34394 Montpellier Cedex 5 France.

Accepted 10 May, 2019


The clinical evolution of the chronic form of Human African Trypanosomiasis starts with the haematolymphatic or first stage (P1). The meningoencephalitic or second stage (P2) begins when trypanosomes reach the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The classical stage determination method is based on CSF cell count, CSF protein concentration and/or the presence of trypanosomes detected in CSF. However their cut-off values and the sensitivity of detection of trypanosomes in CSF remains doubtful while the appropriate treatment depends on this determination of disease stage. Thus, the classical stage determination is reconsidered using new serological tests, and results were compared to the clinical data. Thirty- eight patients were classified into 4 clinical groups according to the observed degree of severity of neuropsychiatric signs. Based on multivariate analysis to evaluate the relevance of the new serological tests as compared with clinical groups, we confirm that Latex IgM CSF, cheap and easy to perform under field conditions, may improve stage determination of the disease.

Key words: Human African Trypanosomiasis, stage determination, Latex IgM.