International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

ISSN 2756-3693

African Journal of Biology ISSN 2167-0413 Vol. 3 (3), pp. 200-207, March, 2016. © International Scholars Journals


Deleterious effects of heavy metal pollution in the environment

Amartya Khan Chand1 and Chandra Tilak Patel2*

1Section of Chemistry, Women’s College, A.M.U, Aligarh (U.P), India.

2Aquatic Toxicology Research Laboratory, Department of Zoology, A.M.U, Aligarh (U.P), India.


Accepted 23 February, 2016


Heavy metal pollution in environment is of great concern because of their accumulative and persistent nature. Among different heavy metals, Hg does not play any essential role in the body of living beings but after methylation, it acquires very dangerous form which is known as MeHg. Hg in air is within the limits and not harmful but in water and fishes the concentration of THg and MeHg content exceeds or is close to permissible limits. Water and food is the main source of Hg accumulation in human beings. Both Hg and MeHg have deleterious effects on all living beings. However, at some places around the world, efforts have been made to reduce the Hg concentrations which resulted in substantial improvements. Therefore the purpose of this review is to highlight different concentrations of Hg in the environment.

Key words: Mercury, MeHg, accumulation, fishes, human beings.